Debunking Common Myths About Tricking a Breathalyzer Test

Have you ever wondered if there are tricks to beat a breathalyzer test? You’re not alone. Many people believe that they can outsmart the device and avoid getting caught driving under the influence. Unfortunately, most of these common tricks are simply myths and won’t actually help you pass the test.

In fact, attempting to cheat a breathalyzer test could result in serious legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, or even jail time. It’s best to always have a designated driver or call for a ride if you’ve been drinking!

If you’ve been arrested for DUI, the smart decision is to call an experienced Asheville DUI lawyer.

North Carolina Penalties for DUI

North Carolina has some of the strictest laws when it comes to driving under the influence (DUI). If you’re caught drunk driving in North Carolina, you could face serious legal and financial consequences.

First-time offenders may be sentenced to up to 24 hours in jail, with fines ranging from $200-$4,000. They may also have their license suspended for one year and be required to attend a substance abuse treatment program.

Repeat offenders will face harsher penalties including longer jail sentences, higher fines, and even mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device on their vehicles.

It’s important to understand that attempting to cheat a breathalyzer test won’t make these consequences go away. In fact, trying to trick the system can actually make things worse by adding additional charges such as obstruction of justice or tampering with evidence.

Do not try any of these tactics to trick a breathalyzer test.

Eating Food

One common myth about tricking a breathalyzer test is eating food. Some people believe that consuming something, particularly greasy or fatty food, can help absorb the alcohol in your system and lower your blood alcohol content (BAC). However, this is not entirely true.

While it’s true that consuming food before drinking can slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, once the alcohol is there, it will remain until your liver processes it. Eating after you’ve been drinking won’t have any effect on how quickly you sober up either.

Moreover, certain foods like onions or garlic can actually give false positives for some types of breathalyzers. These foods contain sulfur compounds which mimic the chemical reaction produced by ethanol in breathalyzer tests.

Keeping Mints or Gum in the Mouth

One of the most common myths about tricking a breathalyzer test is keeping mints or gum in the mouth. The idea behind this myth is that having a minty fresh breath will somehow mask the alcohol smell, but unfortunately, it’s not true.

While chewing gum or sucking on mints can temporarily help with bad breath caused by alcohol consumption, it won’t affect your blood alcohol content (BAC) level. Breathalyzer tests detect ethanol molecules in your breath and convert them into BAC levels.

Minty substances won’t alter the amount of ethanol present in your bloodstream. Additionally, some gums contain sugar alcohols which may lead to false positive results due to their chemical composition being similar to drinking alcoholic beverages.

In fact, if anything, using mints or gum could actually increase your BAC reading as they stimulate saliva production which carries alcohol vapors from your mouth down into the lungs where they are detected by the breathalyzer machine.

Breathalyzer test

Using Mouthwash

There is a common misconception that using mouthwash can help trick a breathalyzer test. However, this belief is unfounded and has been proven to be ineffective.

Mouthwash contains alcohol, which can actually increase the level of alcohol in your breath rather than reduce it. This means that if you use mouthwash before taking a breathalyzer test, your results could potentially show higher levels of alcohol than you actually have in your system.

Furthermore, many types of mouthwash contain other chemicals besides alcohol that can interfere with the accuracy of the test results. The presence of these chemicals can cause false positives or errors in reading the amount of alcohol in your breath.

Holding Your Breath

One common myth about tricking a breathalyzer test is holding your breath. The idea behind this myth is that if you don’t exhale, then the machine won’t be able to detect any alcohol in your system. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Holding your breath may cause you to blow harder into the device when you finally release it, which could actually result in a higher reading. Additionally, alcohol is absorbed through the bloodstream and lungs, so no matter how long you hold your breath, it will still show up on a breathalyzer test.

In fact, holding your breath for an extended period of time can actually lead to hypoxia or oxygen deprivation. This can cause dizziness and confusion which could impair driving ability even more than drinking would have.


One common myth about tricking a breathalyzer test is hyperventilating. Some people believe that by taking deep breaths before blowing into the device, they can lower their blood alcohol content (BAC) level and pass the test.

However, this method does not work in reality. Hyperventilation may actually increase your BAC reading on the breathalyzer test because it causes more alcohol molecules to evaporate from your bloodstream into your lungs.

In addition, police officers are trained to detect signs of hyperventilation and other attempts at manipulating the results of a breathalyzer test. They may ask you to wait for 15-20 minutes before taking the test or use other methods such as blood or urine tests if they suspect foul play..

Keeping a Battery in Your Mouth

One of the more bizarre myths about tricking a breathalyzer test is keeping a battery in your mouth. The idea behind this myth is that the battery will produce enough electricity to alter the results of the breathalyzer, therefore showing a lower BAC level.

However, there are several problems with this strategy. First and foremost, putting a battery in your mouth can be incredibly dangerous. Batteries contain harmful chemicals that could cause serious harm if ingested or come into contact with skin or eyes.

Secondly, even if you were somehow able to keep a battery safely in your mouth without swallowing it or causing injury, it still wouldn’t affect the accuracy of the breathalyzer test. The device measures alcohol content by analyzing air from deep within your lungs – not anywhere near your mouth where a tiny battery might reside.

Let an Experienced Asheville DUI Lawyer Protect Your Rights If You Were Charged!

If you are facing DUI charges, it is important to seek legal representation immediately. An experienced Asheville DUI lawyer can help protect your rights and mount a strong defense against the charges you face.

Attempting to trick a breathalyzer test may seem like an easy way out of a difficult situation. However, the most commonly believed methods do not work and can even make things worse for you.

Instead of relying on myths and misinformation, trust in the legal system and consult with a skilled attorney who knows how to navigate the complexities of DUI cases. With our help, you can fight back against these charges and move forward with your life: 828-702-8743.

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